Results and Maps

Overall Standings

Overall standings for the entire weekend are now finalized and can be found here, updated after all events on Sunday evening. If you are interested in how these were calculated (I genuinely have no clue, Alexander Corbett did all of this and I haven’t read through it yet), here is the raw excel spreadsheet.
OART 2019 Ranking Table

2019 Okanagan Adventure Running Tournament Winners! – Image Courtesy of Ben Smith

Results and Maps

Attackpoint splits for all races are now posted, but with modifications for races #1 and #3 due to the forking and Attackpoint’s parsing formula for IOF XML 3.0 (INSERT TECHNICAL MUMBO JUMBO HERE). Basically, go look at the ones linked below on winsplits, but the ones are on Attackpoint for the sake of your rankings – if you care about that.



Heat Bracket

Okanagan College Vernon – Quarter-Finals
Becker Ridge #1 – Semi-Finals
Becker Ridge #2 – Finals

  • Note: On Becker Ridge #2 Phil Wallensteen and Adam Woods confessed to crossing an uncrossable water feature, and were assessed a 1 minute time penalty after discussion by the controller, course planner, and event director.

Lower Postill – Individual Forest Sprint

  • This was the waterproof socks race.  Big thanks to Showers Pass for the sponsorship. Instead of draw prizes, one pair of socks was awarded to the person furthest down the results list with a top 3 intermediate split time – congratulations to Alan Honey for winning this prize. The other pair of socks was awarded to the participant with the largest single time loss on a control (as calculated by Winsplits above) who successfully completed the course – congratulations/our sympathies to Alan Corbett on his 14 minute mistake on the way to number 3.

Okanagan College Vernon – Quarters
Becker Ridge #1 – Semi-Finals
Becker Ridge #2 – Finals
Lower Postill – Individual Forest Sprint



Academy Hill West – FARSTA
UBC Okanagan North – Individual Sprint
UBC Okanagan South – Individual Sprint


OART #5 – Academy Hill FARSTA
OART #6 – UBC Okanagan South
OART #7 – UBC Okanagan North

Live Results

Live results (including the bracket) are available at


If you have photos from the event and are willing to share, please either send me a link to your online album, or email David.  Thanks!

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David Bakker Photos from Day 1

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David Bakker Photos from Day 2

Juniors present at the end of Day 2 – courtesy of Marta Green.

Edition I – 2018

Results, Maps, and Information from the 2018 OART are posted here on our old website.